Tell us about your passion in Taekwondo.
I started Taekwondo in Year 2. I never missed any training session unless I was ill. I enjoy every session. I work hard and always push myself to do better. Throughout the years, I moved up different colour belts until I finally reached my black belt at the end of Year 6.
What do you aspire to be when you grow up?
I have many; I want to be a robotics engineer, astrophysicist, mathematician, professional goalkeeper or Taekwondo master.
Share with us your biggest/proudest achievement in life so far.
Apart from my black belt in Taekwondo, my proudest achievements are those in football and math competitions. In 2016, I represented GIS in a football tournament hosted by M’KIS. It was a penalty shootout and I was the goalkeeper. It was nerve wrecking. I saved the winning penalty and we went on to be the champion! For maths, I represented GIS in the online Fobisia and won a bronze medal in the individual category. Last year, I won the gold award in the UKMT Junior.
What makes you happy?
Family, friends, football, maths, sports.
What does GIS offer to bring out the best in you?
GIS offers many different subjects for me to learn, and CCAs for me to take part in. I enjoy sports with my friends and participating in tournaments together.
Who do you look up to?
My parents. They are my role models. They believe in me and we have fun together.
What is the best part of studying in GIS?
My teachers. They are helpful, friendly and make learning fun.
Describe GIS in three words.
Fun, friendly, sporty.
“Taekwondo has been part of the CCA programme at Garden International School for over eight years and the route to achieving a Black Belt involves 9 tests which most of us know as ‘gradings’, with the 9th being for the black belt itself. In order to achieve a black belt the student needs to perform 3 sets of ‘Poom Sae’ which include 70 patterns of movement, in addition perform 5 basic kicks, numerous self defence techniques, free sparring, and board breaking by hand & kick. The level of proficiency and not just the completion of the move mechanically is a key issue in assessing the student’s level of competence and whether or not a black belt will be issued,” says Andy Pritchard, GIS CCA & Sports Academy Team Leader.